You could have thyroid gland dysfunction and not know it. Anxiety, sweating, cold or heat intolerances, are symptoms of a hormonal imbalance due to hyperactive thyroid or hypoactive thyroid.
We can help balance your hormones naturally and support your body without synthetic hormones which come with risk factors.
In order to address any thyroid dysfunction, we first need to discover then treat the root cause of the dysfunction. Among the factors that can disrupt thyroid function, there are several large categories: deficiencies, nutritional toxins, environmental toxins, microorganisms and hormonal imbalances.
In my practice I screen for:
- coxsackie virus
- heavy metals
- candida albicans overgrowth
- adrenal dysfunction
Overactive thyroid function often manifests with symptoms such as weight loss coupled with increased appetite, heart palpitations, increased body heat, bulging eyes, restlessness and anxiety.
An important factor that has been linked to thyroid dysfunction is the coxsackie virus. This is actually a group of viruses that are a common source of infection in children which are transmitted primarily by touch. I have often seen that the remnants of this virus – what might be called its energetic footprint – often migrates to the thyroid, disrupting the glands capacity to regulate the metabolism. This can only be resolved by erasing this footprint through the use of appropriate detoxification protocols.
The most common nutritional deficiencies that affect the thyroid gland are: iodine, B vitamins, various minerals, especially the trace minerals, the amino acid tyrosine, taurine and glutamine and Vitamins A,C and E.
Nutritional toxins are foods that for one reason or another act as thyroid antagonists, impairing its function. Soy isoflavones are a type of phytoestrogen compound (that is, plant estrogen compound), that have weak estrogenic activity. Ironically, it is partially because of the high content of isoflavones, that soy products are currently heralded as such a healthful food source, especially for menopausal women. Yet for some people, these isoflavones are potent thyroid inhibitors and must be avoided at all costs. Other potential thyroid disruptors are members of the brassica family – broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts – when eaten raw. Until we get your thyroid fully functioning please avoid soy. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
There are any number of external environmental factors that influence the thyroid. Agricultural sprays that a person comes in direct contact with through farming or living in a heavily farmed area, or even through residues that are contained in many foods are one source. There are many other chemicals on and in food as well as in our water that can have similar affects. Chief amongst them are the chlorine and fluorides in water.
Another ubiquitous source of toxicity is radiation. Sources range from nuclear plants and high power lines, to common household items such as microwaves, TVs, computers, water beds, electric blankets, some electrical appliances. All of these have the potential of affecting the thyroid.
A third common environmental factor is heavy metals including but not necessarily limited tomercury [found in the external environment as well as in amalgam tooth fillings], cadmium, iron, and arsenic.
Previously, I mentioned the effect of residues of the coxsackie virus on the thyroid.
Aside from this one viral influence there are any number of viruses, bacteria, yeast, flukes, and parasites that produce inflammation in various parts of the body, resulting in the formation of antibodies which can cause autoimmune activity that ultimately destroys thyroid tissues.
Perhaps the most common problem in this group is the pathogenic overgrowth of candida, a member of the yeast family. This fungus is a normal inhabitant of a healthy colon, but it can also proliferate in the intestines because of several factors, including stress, lowered immune system, antibiotic overuse, oral contraceptives, and use of cortisone or prednisone. Changing from the harmless noninvasive, sugar fermenting yeast like organism to the mycelial, or fungal, form with long, root like structures, candida can penetrate the membrane lining of the digestive tract. It can become so prolific that it escapes the confines of the intestinal tract altogether and cause havoc throughout the rest of the body. Here you can read more about Candida Overgrowth
Consequently, there are nearly 80 distinct toxins (known as endotoxins because they are produced within the body) produced by candida. It is closely related to to other conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome and leaky gut. Candida is known to induce a 2000% increase in IgE antibodies resulting in allergies, fatigue, and many common symptom complexes which may be misconstrued as emotional or depressive.
To treat your thyroid gland, I must first make sure the body is open, in a right spin and safely able to detox. I use a combination of homeopathic, herbal and nutritional protocols to flush the toxins out of the cells and promote healthy lymphatic drainage to flush them out of the body altogether. It is important to go slowly at first so as not to cause any healing crisis to occur. The idea is to go slowly at first so we can go quickly next. We must build up your mucosal lining if it has been damaged by parasites and candida overgrowth before your body will even absorb and assimilate nutrients or you might as well be flushing the vitamins and nutrients straight down the toilet. It is important to stay hydrated and exercise when you can to help your body do its thing during this process. The thyroid is the most difficult gland in the body to treat, because it is affected by every other organ, gland, hormone and neuroendocrine gland in your body. When the whole body is healthy it will stop pulling from the adrenal and the thyroid glands.