Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Do you have recurring nightmares or night terrors? Does your past trauma haunt you today? Are you afraid of how you might respond in some situations? Do you find yourself avoiding activities because you’re afraid they may trigger an emotional response? Does your life feel like it isn’t in your control anymore? Is your anxiety robbing you of what you want from your life? Do you avoid crowds or airplanes because you have fears or phobias? Suffer from depression? Learn how I can help you get through this traumas from your past.
ptsd post traumatic stress disorder

Getting Help

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is life altering and affects everything in your daily life going forward.  You may not even realize the subconscious blocks it puts up that prevent you from living your life fully and being present.  Help is available to permanently leave your past experience behind.

Many people who have suffered with PTSD have found our unique Holistic Treatment Programs which include Brain Integration Technique relieved their symptoms!  We have helped clients from all over the country overcome these same issues! Live the life you deserve and leave the trauma behind you permanently. Contact me today to find out how soon we can get you in to remove the emotional blocks that are holding you back.

Brain Integration addresses trauma in a way that is different than traditional treatments for post traumatic stress disorder. The subconscious mind literally hard wires stress from past events into different areas of the brain, causing recurring emotions and behavioral patterns that can prevent you from leaving the past in the past where it belongs. Because these automatic reactions are controlled by your subconscious mind, Brain Integration goes into your subconscious to clear the stress.

Based on the latest neuroscience findings, BIT uses muscle testing, combined with acupressure points to access the subconscious processes in the brain to locate and remove blocks. Brain Integration “awakens” areas of the brain previously blocked by subconscious stress by rerouting the blood flow within the brain therein changing brain-wave patterns. This groundbreaking technique reorganizes the electromagnetic signals within the brain, changing the brain function from the inside out! It is an all natural alternative to drugs!

Brain Integration Technique (BIT) is completely drug free and non-invasive. It is an all natural alternative therapy that works together with psychotherapy and counseling. Contact me now to start living life free from stress tomorrow!

In the spring of 2019 our office brought in a patented Quantum Physics Device that has the ability to uncover the quantum signatures/frequencies of low level emotions and vibrations in the body and deliver treatment directly to the body.  It can also energetically treat clients using scalar wave technology through a cellphone in the comfort of your own home.  Adding this therapy to Brain Integration increases the effectiveness and speeds up the healing process because it acts upon the gut micro-biome and the nervous system directly, while neutralizing the emotional frequencies in the brain.

Next Steps

Go See Diane

Getting Started

Contact Diane - Free Phone Consultation

I provide a complimentary 15 minute phone consultation to discuss how we can help you or someone you love.

Schedule Appointment

After you schedule your appointment, you will receive some brief intake forms. Please fill them out and email them to me prior to our scheduled meeting.

Prepare For Your Appointment

For your comfort, I offer an informal, but professional atmosphere. My office is designed to provide a non-clinical and relaxing environment for all of my clients. I recommend that all of my clients come well-fed and well-hydrated with water.

Contact Diane Today

Provide your information in the form so we can work on your complimentary 15 minute phone conversation to see how I can help you or a loved one.

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