As I reflect back on my life, I realize that I used to think of myself as a victim of my circumstances and wonder why I kept having unfulfilling relationships. People weren’t there for me when I really needed them to be and I kept looking for the WELCOME sign that I just knew was stuck somewhere on my back. I was certain of this, because it seemed like everybody walked all over me! Sound familiar to anyone reading this? It wasn’t until I understood that I was simply repeating experiences over and over because I had etched them into my mind, that I was able to break from my patterns. Mind over matter right? WRONG! Matter over mind! Or more precisely matter impressed on my mind (my brain).
Neuroplasticity at work!
Thanks to something called Neuroplasticity, my brain learned from my past experiences, thereby building a reference for my future. You see the brain is a bit of a lazy learner. Once it has learned something, it compares every new experience to the past one it stored. If the new situation resembles the past experience in any manner, the brain responds in kind with a preconditioned response. It knows how this scenario played out last time, so it takes the same route! But why is the result the same situation after situation? Well………..
Your brain only knows what it already learned! Unless your new experience ends differently, it will continue to conclude that there is no other option available. Why is that????
Well you see…… your brain waves emit a frequency from your brain into the environment which always search for a frequency match. If you already have a reference for being abused, for example, your brain will actively hunt for a frequency match out in the universe. You literally attract what you project out. Now of course I don’t mean that you consciously are looking for somebody to treat you poorly, but it is the station that you are tuned into. You can change your brain frequency with Brain Integration Technique. I did and I only wish I had discovered this cutting edge treatment earlier in my life. You can make an appointment to change your life!