Candida aka Systemic Yeast Infection
If you are feeling bad all over and medical doctors have told you that there is nothing wrong with you, you might be suffering the effects of candida albicans overgrowth. Thrush, Monilia, candidiasis are all interchangeable terms for this condition. The symptoms include but are not limited to
- hypoglycemia
- recurrent cystitis
- indigestion
- inability to lose weight
- depression
- anxiety
- unexplained exhaustion or fatigue
- food allergies and/or intolerances
- menstrual problems
- joint pain
- skin problems/acne
- food cravings
- mood swings
- psychiatric symptoms
- neurosis
- overeating
- diarrhea
- constipation
Thrush or Candida is a fungal infestation that may well be the missing link between many kinds of psychological and physical disorders that defy treatment. Stress (food, chemicals, emotional, pollutants, vaccines, heavy metals) increases susceptibility and reduces resistance, which may disrupt the delicate balance of homeostasis within your intestinal tract to cause in part or all of the above listed problems within the body. Stress can be anything from overwork, marital discord, work issues, financial stress, to academic overload. A client, for example may have a wheat allergy but under normal conditions, have the immune system capable of masking the allergy. Under the influence of stress with lowered resistance, the body’s natural resistance fails and the symptoms of the true condition begin to be revealed.
Biochemical stress can have the same result. Too much sugar, an unbalanced diet, persistence with an unsuitable type of food, vitamin or mineral deficiency and of course, any bacterial or viral infection can create a state of stress. Many drugs, especially steroids can do this.
A group of organisms exists which is known as “opportunistic”. In other words, under normal conditions, they inhabit the human body without causing any harm. Once the body defenses are compromised, they proliferate and attach, often by releasing powerful toxins. One of the most opportunistic organisms is Candida albicans, a yeast fungus that resides in the gastrointestinal tract, mucosal membrane areas such as the mouth, skin, and the gut. Once this organism starts to overgrow and is unchecked, the yeast fungus begins to cause problems as the client becomes hypersensitive or allergic to yeast. Given the ubiquitous presence of the nutrient in almost every conceivable form of commercial bakery product, as well as alcohol, the client begins to experience one or more of the incredible array of symptoms which usually accompany a masked food allergy or intolerance: bloating, excessive gastric gas (flatulence), abdominal distension and discomfort, joint pains, mental confusion, excessive fluid retention, an inability to lose weight, pre-menstrual tension, eczema, recurrent cystitis, menstrual irregularities, skin problems/acne, cravings for sweets, carbohydrates, chocolate, or alcohol, unexplained fatigue, poor memory, nervous tension, headaches, and a general feeling of “not being well” without a definable cause.
Candida albicans can release some 80 different toxins, which find their way into the general circulation and can attach almost any weak spot of a living organism. After a period of unchecked grown, the yeast form of Candida can change to a mycelial type of organism, which produces long, root-like structures called rhizoids. These burrow their way through the intestinal lining (mucosal) and pave the way for incompletely digested protein pieces to enter the bloodstream, thus setting up an alarm or allergic reaction. The client becomes “sensitized” and then until treated will be intolerant of one of more foods, which contain fragments of the allergenic protein. In this way people who experience a reaction to the gluten portion of the wheat may also be allergic to several other members of the same family, such as rye, and oats, or even some non-grain foods like buckwheat and arrowroot, which also contain gluten. The antigenic assault of these allergens further decreases the immunocompetence of the host, thus paving the way for more intolerances, allergies, and an even great proliferation of Candida organisms. A truly destructive vicious circle if there ever was one!
The focus of the problem, and hence the focus of the treatment is the gut. Normally the body’s competing bacteria acidophilus, and the body’s own natural defenses, the immune system keep the Candida albicans organism in check.
This yeast connection to the gut was established in Australia at the Institute for Orthomolecular Research in Sydney (1976) as a result of treatment of “emotionally disturbed” women. Suffering from depression, lethargy, inability to lose weight, extreme mood swings, nervous tension and a general inability to cope with life, they did not respond to conventional treatment. Most of the women were hypoglycemic and suffered many of the symptoms of premenstrual tension. The only common medical symptom consistent in all of the patients was the recurrence of thrush. Knowing that thrush is a yeast fungus, the patients were all placed on a yeast free diet. Within a few months, all patients reported a reduction in symptoms and eventually all recovered quite well.
Children should be tested for thrush if they suffer from excessive rashes, thrush, ear infections, or colic. Ear, nose and throat infections are often treated with antibiotics, which sets the stage for Candida albicans proliferation because it harms the acidophilus levels in the gut which keep it in check. Other symptoms in children include irritability, hyperactivity, recurrent upper respiratory infections.
Treatment of Candidiasis
The treatment begins at the gut first as well as within the cells themselves of the organism. Protocol to eradicate the fungus involves dietary changes for a determined number of weeks and specially designed homeopathic tinctures.