Vulnerability……it’s not a four letter word!
A mentor of mine told me that the missing piece for me in my own personal development was vulnerability. As I listened to what she said, I couldn’t wrap my head around the concept. Certainly I WAS vulnerable already……I go out in public a lot. I talk to people...

“Are you stupid or something?”
There was one little girl who would cry herself to sleep every night as thoughts of dread filled her mind about going to school in the morning. School was so very hard for her with its noisy classrooms full of the talking moving kids. The boy next to her would tap...
Resentment is Emotional Cancer
Anyone who has heard me speak knows that I always start by telling people trying to heal that the first step is letting go. In the physical body that means that the first step toward healing involves detoxing any area of the body where there is a block in the flow...

Suffering from brain-fog, depression, or irritability?
How many of you are suffering from brain-fog, depression, or irritability? You could have heavy metal toxicity and not know it! In my practice I see people for many reasons. You’d be surprised to learn that heavy metal poisoning can be the source of many cognitive and...
Tips to Reset Your Body’s Clock
Tips for Healthy Digestion The following points are to help you improve your digestion, naturally. It is important to understand that as you age, your digestive strength tends to diminish, especially if you have engaged in unhealthy lifestyle habits for a...
Exercise Tips
Exercise Tips The guide below is for those who are beginning to exercise. Once in shape, they may want to look at interval training. Include cardiovascular and resistance training, along with mobility exercises and stretching, in your exercise...
How to Cook Whole Food from Scratch–and Keep Your Day Job!
How to Cook Whole Food from Scratch--and Keep Your Day Job! By Colleen Huber Whole fresh foods should be the basis of what we all eat, whether your metabolic type is protein type, carb type or mixed type. Whole foods, whether meat, vegetable or fruit, do two...
Homeopathy Explained
“The highest ideal in medicine is the rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health” Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) Founder of Classical Homeopathy What is homeopathy? Dr. Reinhold Voll (See History of BioAssessment paper) originally thought that if he...
Do You Understand Your Poo?
Do You Understand Your Poo? Our bodies are getting bombarded every day with harmful toxins like chemicals in food, pollution in the air, along with many other every-day contaminants like fragrances, beauty shop products, and household cleaning supplies. Even...

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