Struggling in School? Trouble Focusing? Test Anxiety? Overly Emotional? Trouble Adjusting? Many students have felt the same way and found that BRAIN INTEGRATION helped them! Contact us today to schedule your free 15 minute phone consultation! Speak directly with our...
15 Rules for Fat Loss Ricardo Boye, ND, CNC Fat loss is different from weight loss. Fat loss emphasizes the retention of quality lean muscle mass, where weight loss may not. Muscle mass is highly metabolic and a valuable tissue for the goal of oxidizing...
When you feel anxious, worried, scared, angry, etc. have you ever stopped to notice where in your physical body you feel something? When your mind is blocked in a manner of speaking you can actually feel the “pinching off” of energy somewhere in your...
I had the worst food allergies! I would literally get canker sores from indulging in a peach or a nectarine! Summertime is a tough season to live through when the only fruit you can eat without a reaction is an apple! Now I enjoy every fruit I want, without fear of a canker sore or itchy ears. I never knew how much I was missing. I am pleased to recommend this to everyone! It's so easy and so worth it!
-Steve J (Scottsdale, AZ)
I went to Diane for chronic sinusitis and bad pollen allergies. She discovered that I had candida overgrowth. After she worked on me and I followed the candida cleanse diet that she recommended, I'm thrilled to report that not only do I have no sinus problems any longer, but my head is clear! I can smell fresh cut grass and my sinuses do not swell up and I no longer sneeze or tear up from the pollen. Unless you've suffered as long as I have from pollen & sinus problems, you might not appreciate what I'm going to state next. Diane literally changed my life! I would highly recommend her to anyone as a professional and as a genuinely caring person. Thank you so much!